Wednesday, December 4, 2013

inner self

current mood

Stumbled upon an article a few days ago, I can relate to it so well that it's scary.

10 Things To Stop Caring About If You Want To Be Happier

/ What others think
/ Past mistakes
/ Failure
/ What you don't have
/ "What ifs"
/ "I'll be happier when..." thoughts
/ Regrets
/ Rejection
/ Society's expectations
/ Being good enough

Checked 8 out of 10 things off the list.
I care too much about what other people think of me.
I'm always worrying about the past, the present & the future.
Things that bring me regrets keep coming back to haunt me and
I'm always thinking that what if I made a different decision back then?
And number 10, I think that I'm not good enough.

I also did a palm reading and numerology test yesterday
(people have been tweeting about this site for some weird reason),
the results were 90% accurate :O


"You posses a pointed hand.
This is the hand of someone who appreciates the finer things in life.
You like to be surrounded with art and beauty, and you tend to avoid manual labor.
You are interested in psychic matters, and may even posses a heightened sense of perception.
Many people who poses this type of hand become involved in the cosmetic or hair styling industry."

Hmm I'm not too sure about the last part though.


" The key to your personality is freedom.
You love travel, adventure, variety and meeting new people.
You posses the curiosity of a cat, and you long to experience all of life.
You love to be involved in several things at the same time,
as long as you are not tied down to any one area.
You like change, new things and new horizons.
You can make friends easily, and your personality is upbeat and often inspiring,
attracting people form all walks of life.

You are sensual and you love to taste all of life.
You find it difficult to commit to one relationship, but once you committed,
you can be faithful as an old dog. ( I LOL at this. Funny, but true.)

You yearn for freedom, and self-employment attracts you powerfully.
Your challenge is to settle into one area in order to cultivate your ability sufficiently
to earn a living and to attain success. Once you find the niche, the motivation and
inspiration you supply to others will bring you much in return.
You will find your friends and colleges supporting and promoting you in the road of success."


The numerology test result was spot on!
So it seems that my challenge is to learn the true meaning of freedom ~

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